European Hydrogen Energy Conference EHEC2022

European Hydrogen Energy Conference EHEC2022 took place this year in Madrid from May 18-20.
DLR was presenting partial results from the FCH2Rail project about hydrogen storage and novel HVAC concepts for railway vehicles.

Mathias Böhm discusses in his presentation hydrogen on-board storage options for rail vehicles, with a focus on the comparison for current implementation projects in hydrogen powered trains. Within the framework of the EU project FCH2RAIL, data on pressurized hydrogen storage systems and other physical storage forms analyzed in terms of technical data. See full paper: +++ H2 On-Board Storage Options for Rail Vehicles +++

The presentation of Markus Kordel  discusses two technologies to reduce energy demand for Air-Conditioning in hydrogen fuel cell rolling stock by using waste energy. The hydrogen powered air-conditioning (HyPAC) utilizes the pressure work between tank and fuel cell and the absorption refrigerator uses the waste heat from the fuel cell. To analyse the feasability, the hydrogen mass flow, the waste heat flow and temperature constraints were analysed and design concepts for both were proposed. See full paper: +++ Using Absorption Refrigerator and Metal Hydrides in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trains +++


Holger Dittus

Institute of Vehicle Concepts (DLR)